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Unio Sukhumvit 72
1,390,000 🌞🌞🌞 (Agent) - CD28117307 Sold with tenant ✅✅✅ UNiO Sukhumvit 72 Phase 2, Building E, 7th floor (Not accepting cows because its already been sold) Room size 22.68 sq m, 7th floor Sold for only 1,390,000 baht (no bargaining in any case) 🙏 Sold with all furniture and sold with lease agreement Contract ends 6/2567 Rental fee 7,000/month Transfer fee~Stamp duty 50/50 ***Loan service and care until the day of transfer of ownership*** ☘️☘️In case of slow response on Line...please call us☘️☘️ ###We are happy to help and provide full service💕 💟More interested, please contact and make an appointment If you are interested in making an appointment, please contact 📲Lucky Ning (Ning): Contact number / Contact number 🌲Line ID: Contact number 💖Line Link: https://line.me/ti/p/MKQMy2FC7v 🏆E-mail: Contact email 📲ying (Ying): Contact number 🌲Line ID: Contact number 💖Line Link : http://line.me/ti/p/~ Contact number 📚FB page link : More condos, please click link 👇 https://www.facebook.com/PropertySookJai888 #PropertySOOKJAI888 #Buy condos below market value #Decorate and sell in all conditions #condoforalsale #Professional management #Follow up with customers #Take care and take responsibility for the work until the contract ends #condoforrent #Accept condo, house, land for sale #Rent condo, house #Sell all types of real estate #Free loan service #Buy and sell condos, houses, land #Accept condos for sale in Bangkok and its vicinity #uniosukhumvit72phase2
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