Bugaan Krungthep Kreetha: 85 sqwah 540sqm. 4bed 5bath 46,900,000 Am: 0656199198

plus Created 2024-07-24 19:37
Boosted 2025-02-13 15:16
plus Create 2024-07-24 19:37
Boosted 2025-02-13 15:16
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Bugaan Krungthep Kreetha: Type Brill 85 sqwah 540 sqm. 4bed 5bath 4 parking 6.8 double volume and 3 meter in room Common fee 105/sqwah Sell: 46,900,000 Call/Line: Am Contact number https://line.me/ti/p/_MXfrDHcUpWhatsapp/Wechat: Contact number - Only 48 house - 24 meter pool - Double gate community - Double access New Krungthep Kreetha and Ramkamhang 68 - 10 km to Thonglor/Ekkamai - 2 km to Brighton College international school- 2 km to NIDA - 3 km to Wellington College international school - 4 km to Assumption University - 12 km to Shrewbury International School Bangkok City Campus - 2 km to MRT Orange line- 4 km to MRT Yellow Line - 17 km to Suvarnabhumi Airport - Near many community malls - 12 km to Central Eastville and CDC - 4 km to Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital #bugaankrungthepkreetha #bugaankrungthepkreethaforsell#houseforsellkrungthepkreetha #houseforsellramkamhang #luxuryhouseforsellkrungthepkreetha #luxuryhouseforsellramkamhang #Krungthep Kreetha house for sale #House for sale Ramkhamhaeng #Luxury house for sale Krungthep Kreetha #houseforsellnearinternationalschool #houseforsellnearbrightoncollege #houseforsellnearwellingtoncollege #propertytown

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Bugaan Krungthep Kreetha: Type Brill 85 sqwah 540 sqm. 4bed 5bath 4 parking 6.8 double volume and 3 meter in room Common fee 105/sqwah Sell: 46,900,000 Call/Line: Am Contact number https://line.me/ti/

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