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The base sukhumvit 50, room 36 sq m. 1 bedplus, 7th floor, for rent only 22,000, beautifully decorated room.

Available for rent on 15 May 2024
plus Created 2024-05-09 09:19
plus Create 2024-05-09 09:19


The base sukhumvit 50 room 36 sq m. 1 bedplus 7th floor for rent only 22,000 electrical appliances that come with the room 1. 2 TVs - living room sumsung 55" new in box** - TV in bedroom sony 40" 3. washing machine New in box** 2. Microwave 3. Refrigerator 4. Water heater with + rain shower 5. Air conditioner in every room Built-in rattan wardrobe. The owner is very jealous but allows a special and compact muji size bed. Reveal new things with TV and washing machine As for the furniture, its included as shown in the picture

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The base sukhumvit 50 room 36 sq m. 1 bedplus 7th floor for rent only 22,000 electrical appliances that come with the room 1. 2 TVs - living room sumsung 55 new in box** - TV in bedroom sony 40 3. was

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