RHYTHM ICON 2-bed 95 sq m. E405, river front view + ICON, high floor, first price around Investor

plus Created 2023-12-11 09:49
Boosted 1 hour
plus Create 2023-12-11 09:49
Boosted 1 hour


16E405 16th floor Type E4, position 05 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking rights, size 95 sq m corner room, balcony facing east + south The front view faces the river and ICONSIAM sees fireworks during the festival. E405 is a hot location of the project that is currently sold out in every room on every floor High floor, beautiful view, and this room got the first price in the Investor round, which was more than 5% cheaper than the price in the second round (about 7-8 hundred thousand baht) Contract price 15,808,000 baht or only 166,400 baht/sq m only + sellers profit (Call) Owner sells it himself If interested, contact Contact numberLine ID : pop.wp

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16E405 16th floor Type E4, position 05 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking rights, size 95 sq m corner room, balcony facing east + south The front view faces the river and ICONSIAM sees fireworks durin

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