(Owner) Selling Modiz Avantgarde, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom

plus Created 2023-09-10 12:38
Boosted 2024-12-08 18:10
plus Create 2023-09-10 12:38
Boosted 2024-12-08 18:10


(The owner sells it himself) The rooms for sale have been selected to have a good location in every room. Located between floors 11-22, which is the floor that is not blocked. Views from kave AVA and D-condo are suitable for buying for yourself. Or rent it out to students and get the highest VVIP discount on every room ✅ Room code A1818 1 Bedroom Exclusive (north side), 18th floor, position 18, area 27.2 sq m., discount 240,000, net price 2,725,000 baht + seller profit 35,000 baht ✅ Room code A1107 1 Bedroom Plus (south side) 11th floor, position 07, area 34.9 sq m., discount 290,000, net price 3,280,000 baht + seller profit 75,000 baht ✅ Room code A2207 1 Bedroom Plus (south side) 22nd floor, position 07, area 34.9 sq m., discount 290,000, net price 3,500,000 baht + seller profit 75,000 baht If interested, contact Contact number, Line ID: veevarinch

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(The owner sells it himself) The rooms for sale have been selected to have a good location in every room. Located between floors 11-22, which is the floor that is not blocked. Views from kave AVA and

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