⭐️ For sale Lumpini Ville Ratchaphruek-Bangwaek, beautiful room, fully furnished Lumpini Ville Ratchaphruek - Bangwaek Lumpini Ville Ratchaphruek - Bangwaek including BTS Bangwa and Blue Line

plus Created 2023-10-29 17:49
Boosted 2024-10-17 22:49
plus Create 2023-10-29 17:49
Boosted 2024-10-17 22:49
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Condo for sale Lumpini Ville Rachaphruek-Bang Waek Lumpini Ville Rachaphruek Bang Waek Beautiful room, fully furnished, air conditioner, Building B, 7th floor Convenient transportation, near 2 electric train lines: BTS Bang Wa and Blue Line Phetkasem 48 Station has officially opened for service (Year 2019) You can enter and exit the project in 4 directions 💰Easy installment 5,xxx 💰Price only 1,290,000 baht Facilities ▪️ 7-Eleven, laundry shop, beauty salon and coffee shop ▪️ Library, children's activity room, senior activity room ▪️ Swimming pool, fitness room ▪️ Key card door, CCTV ▪️ 24-hour security system Nearby important places ▪️ Green Line BTS Bang Wa Station ▪️ Blue Line BTS Phetkasem 48 Station ▪️ The Circle Ratchaphruek ▪️ Food Villa Ratchaphruek ▪️ Seacon Bang Khae ▪️ Siam University ▪️ Phyathai 3 Hospital ▪️ Phetkasem Hospital . Lumpini Ville Rachaphruek-Bang Waek Condo Location : https://goo.gl/maps/1GnzV7dAyHSmqinY9 - Make an appointment to view the house-condo with free loan application consultation service - Receive consultation for buying-selling-renting, selling-depositing, investing in real estate, borrowing money for a house Contact for inquiries, make an appointment to view the room Contact number

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Condo for sale Lumpini Ville Rachaphruek-Bang Waek Lumpini Ville Rachaphruek Bang Waek Beautiful room, fully furnished, air conditioner, Building B, 7th floor Convenient transportation, near 2 electri

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