Warehouse for rent, Rama 3, 700 sq m./850 sq m./2,000 sq m. Trailer can enter and exit, suitable for a distribution center/food central kitchen.

plus Created 2022-03-22 13:18
Boosted 2025-01-23 11:45
plus Create 2022-03-22 13:18
Boosted 2025-01-23 11:45


Warehouse for rent Rama 3 - Size 700 / 850 / 2,000 sq.m. - With office + bathroom, parking lot - Floor load 2-3 tons / sq.m. - Wide road, container trucks can enter - Size 700 sq.m. Rent 108,000 baht / month - Size 850 sq.m. Rent 153,000 baht / month - Size 420 sq.m. *Rent 55,000 / month - Closed pickup trucks, six-wheelers, trailers can enter and exit 💥If you want to use a warehouse / factory, which location, you can inform us of your needs. We are happy to serve you. Facebook: Buy, sell, rent, land, factories, warehouses, Bangkok and its vicinity by KhunPeach Tel: Contact number Line: https://line.me/ti/p/5QvrMie9iK Warehouse rental service / warehouse / distribution center / online warehouse / land / factory Many locations divided by area, area size according to needs #WarehousebyKhunPeach #Hathai Rat warehouse for rent #Rama 3 warehouse for rent #Rama 4 warehouse for rent #Rangsit warehouse for rent #Sathu Pradit warehouse for rent #Nuan Nakhon warehouse for rent #Rangsit Nakhon Nayok warehouse for rent #City center warehouse for rent #Ramkhamhaeng warehouse for rent #Kaset Nawamin warehouse for rent #Nuan Chan warehouse for rent #Lat Phrao warehouse for rent #Ratchada warehouse for rent #Rama 9 warehouse for rent #Kaset warehouse for rent #Nawamin warehouse for rent #Ram Intra warehouse for rent #Sai Mai warehouse for rent #Senanikhom warehouse for rent #Ram Intra Km.2 warehouse for rent

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Warehouse for rent Rama 3 - Size 700 / 850 / 2,000 sq.m. - With office + bathroom, parking lot - Floor load 2-3 tons / sq.m. - Wide road, container trucks can enter - Size 700 sq.m. Rent 108,000 baht

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