House for sale, Manthana Kanlapaphruek, Outer Ring Road, Bang Khae, 102 sq.wa. The project is on the main road, behind the corner in front of the project, very beautiful location, new condition, ready to be decorated.

plus Created 2021-01-28 10:40
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plus Create 2021-01-28 10:40
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House for sale, Manthana Village, Kanlapaphruek, Ring Road, 102 square wah, behind the corner in front of the project, very beautiful location, new condition, ready to decorate - Modern Style house, the largest house in the project - Project on the main road, Kanchanaphisek, is a project of Land & House, project age 5 years - Beautifully decorated interior, Modern Luxury, built-in throughout - Sold with luxury brand furniture and complete electrical appliances Immediately ready - Add 2 more rooms, expand more usable space - 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 1 maids room - Large Master Bedroom + Master Bathroom + Modern Bathtub- has a large garden land area with fish pond and waterfall - Can park 2 cars in the house - Land size 102 square wah, usable area 320 square meters

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House for sale, Manthana Village, Kanlapaphruek, Ring Road, 102 square wah, behind the corner in front of the project, very beautiful location, new condition, ready to decorate - Modern Style house, t

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