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Commercial building for sale, 4 and a half floors (including rooftop), Mapayaphon, Saphan 4, Pluak Daeng, 4 units, 88 square wah, located across from Do Home Bowin, behind is Sasithorn Village 16, selling for a total of 22 million baht.

plus Created 2024-05-19 13:18
Boosted 11 hours
plus Create 2024-05-19 13:18
Boosted 11 hours


Commercial building for sale, 4 and a half floors (including rooftop), Mapayaphon, Saphan 4, Pluak Daeng, 4 units, 88 square meters, with a private parking lot in front of the building. Located opposite Do Home Bowin, behind is Sasithorn Village 16, selling for a total of 22 million baht (divided into rooms 1+2 and rooms 3+4) -Near the shopping center Lotus, Makro, Thai Watsadu, Duhome Bowin - Suitable for businesses such as gold shops, pawn shops, motorcycle shops, doctors clinics, dentists, beauty salons/animal hospitals, convenience stores, tire shops, and others - Selling below the bank appraised price - Selling cheapest in the area If interested, contact Tel Contact number

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Commercial building for sale, 4 and a half floors (including rooftop), Mapayaphon, Saphan 4, Pluak Daeng, 4 units, 88 square meters, with a private parking lot in front of the building. Located opposi

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