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The owner sells it himself, selling a room on the 24th floor, south facing, open view forever, no tall buildings, definitely blocking the view.

plus Created 2024-01-04 14:09
Boosted 2024-10-25 14:19
plus Create 2024-01-04 14:09
Boosted 2024-10-25 14:19


Owner post -Agent welcome Requesting permission- Announcement for sale Wan Time Na Chao Phraya - Rare position, hard to find, this position the project is sold out - VIP round price, discount for old residents 1 million (now the project has reduced the discount to 6 hundred thousand) - Building A, 24th floor, position ฺB24-12, position ฺB12, south side - 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, same size as room, example in Sales gallery 85 sq m., closed kitchen - View of Rama VIII Bridge, overlooking the beautiful curve of the water. View from a distance - Contract page 14,390,000 baht (deducting the old house discount of 1 million baht) + profit + profit, the seller can offer - The project allows you to change and transfer rights around Q3 next year - Im willing to pay in installments first. If the money is not ready or uncomfortable If interested, contact Line id: Contact number TJ is the owner and selling it himself (Prime Space Property Group)

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Owner post -Agent welcome Requesting permission- Announcement for sale Wan Time Na Chao Phraya - Rare position, hard to find, this position the project is sold out - VIP round price, discount for old

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