Condo for sale, Lumpini Mix Theparak-Srinakarin, Building B1, 7th floor, room 712 (corner room, south facing, size 21.75 sq m.), price 959,000 baht.

plus Created 2023-09-10 19:19
Boosted 2024-05-26 18:01
plus Create 2023-09-10 19:19
Boosted 2024-05-26 18:01


KONCEPT furniture (large wardrobe) + air conditioner + TV + refrigerator + water heater + microwave + bed with mattress + sofa + TV shelf + curtains (Sold with tenant) If interested, contact Khun Nueng Contact number (Line id: nypy1)

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KONCEPT furniture (large wardrobe) + air conditioner + TV + refrigerator + water heater + microwave + bed with mattress + sofa + TV shelf + curtains (Sold with tenant) If interested, contact Khun Nuen

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