Selling at a loss, owner is hot on money, 2-story commercial building (1st hand), price 1.6 million, Villa Park 5, near Singapore International School, Nong Lalok, Ban Khai, Rayong.

plus Created 2023-11-13 16:02
Boosted 5 hours
plus Create 2023-11-13 16:02
Boosted 5 hours


Property location: Nong Lalok Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, Rayong Province Map coordinates: Video : More details - Commercial building, 2 floors, 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (new building, never lived in) - Area 21.3 square meters, price 1.6 million baht - Area 42.7 square meters, price 1.9 million baht (corner building, has a lot of space left on the side) -Usable area 200 sq m. - Width 5 meters, depth 20 meters - Suitable for shops, restaurants, clinics, offices, etc. Nearby places - Burapha Villa Village 150 m - Juthatip Village, Ban Khai 350m - Ban Khai Subdistrict Municipality 3.5 km - Ban Khai School 3 km - Singapore International School Rayong (SISB) 3.8 km - Big C Rayong 8 km - Central Rayong 8 km - Ban Khai Hospital 3.8 km - IRPC Industrial Estate 14 km Ask for more details. Contact Mr. Suthep Tel: Contact number Line : sutheppa

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Property location: Nong Lalok Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, Rayong Province Map coordinates: Video : More details - Commercial building, 2 fl

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