Owner's Stock Real time update - Follow new stock from Owner before anyone else. The system will notify you immediately.

►Owner's Stock Real time update - We know it's important for Owner to receive new stock updates. Today we have arranged it for you. With the new notification feature iStock → Owner's Stock real time update when Owner creates new listings that are willing to accept brokers. The system will notify you immediately. without having to search for it yourself How cool is this?


►Real-time stock tracking and update settings -  Want real-time stock updates in any project location? Go to set notifications to follow. Location or project that interests you. When new announcements from Owner come in, the system will notify you immediately. Follow this step


► In the green sign on the home page of the app You can click to set up tracking locations or projects that interest you.


► Select the iStock feature and then go in and choose to follow the locations and projects in which you are interested in receiving stock updates.  For those interested in real estate in the capital area, we recommend setting up tracking for the entire Bangkok area. Ensure that there will be stock notification from the owner at all times.


Note:  iStock reserves the right to view only accounts that have purchased iStock services only. Sharing the announcement link in iStock with others will not be able to click and view it. and shared announcement links stored elsewhere The account owner will be able to click to view. while your own account is logged in and still has an unexpired iStock lifespan If it has expired Will not be able to click the link to view.


It's so cool. Download it now. What are you waiting for?

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►Owner's Stock Real time update - We know it's important for Owner to receive new stock updates. Today we have arranged it for you. With the new notification feature iStock &rar

►Owner's Stock Real time update - We know it's important for Owner to receive new stock updates. Today we have arranged it for you. With the new notification feature iStock &rar
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